First, let me begin by trying to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation for all that YOU have accomplished during the first 2 weeks of the comment period for NSPS. Your actions have begun a spiral of activity that is gaining continuous momentum, increased participation and educating the media, Congress and the American people. I am extremely proud to be called your leader and humbled when receiving accolades on your accomplishments. Hopefully, most of you are able to take a deep breathe this week end and be ready to further engage in the fight to protect the rights of the American worker.

There has been so much information, guidance and ideas distributed this week that I hope you haven’t been left confused. Many processes needed to be refined before they all came together and our goal was to provide you any/all information as soon as possible. This resulted in some early confusion and some duplication of effort but we were able to move forward. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

It is extremely important that everyone try and keep up with all new information and distribute it ASAP. There are new flyers available now and they will be changed again early this week. Comments and talking points from the UDWC (AFL-CIO Union Coalition) are available at . Any and ALL information that is needed can be found through under the Defense Workers link. Letters to the editor, press release templates and pre-written comments are easy to find copy and most importantly understand. You need to determine what will work best for your installation and community. Be creative, move out of the box. We must reach our goal of 120,000 comments. Most importantly, the momentum that you have created must be sustained and even increased.

On Friday, the AFL-CIO launched an e-mail campaign through their Working Families Network. If you belong to a Central Labor Council or a State Federation use this as means of working together to increase awareness and solicit comments. Share information and ideas with these other Unions.

Many AFGE Locals have scheduled events during the next few weeks and beyond. As a result, many Locals have requested help. Many of these events are doing leafleting, desk drops and posting material on installation bulletin boards. If there is anyone that wants to help out please, volunteer NOW. You can do so by sending an e-mail . You don’t need to be a subject matter expert on NSPS to provide help. We need volunteers to do some of the "leg" work (desk drops and leaflets). If you understand NSPS and wish to be a subject matter expert, you will be used to make public comments and to help at AFGE lunch n’ learns or other mobilization events. Whatever your comfort level is will be the level of participation that we will ask you to be involved in. We need this help ASAP. Please remember that everyone has a responsibility to ensure your local events are being covered before you volunteer to help others.

We must continue this mobilization and education effort beyond the 30 day comment period. All local leaders should be planning events from now throughout the summer. Again, we must use the momentum we have started to increase pressure on Congress to force DoD officials to comply with the law that enabled them to develop NSPS. We cannot slow down. If you need assistance on how or what type of events to plan, please ask and that help will be provided. Informational pickets, town hall meetings and lunch n’ learns need to be part of a continuous effort if we are to be successful.

I thank each and everyone one of you for all that you done and for your continued commitment and participation.


In Solidarity Forever;

Don Hale

DEFCON President